
maiko a singer, song writer and a koto performer


野良着の箏弾き。 伊吹山の麓、日本画や陶芸をたしなむ父母の元に生まれ、野山や田んぼを駆け回り、川では蛍とたわむれて育つ。

Koto player in field clothes. Born at the foot of Mt. Ibuki to parents who were skilled in Japanese painting and ceramics, she grew up running around in the fields and rice paddies and playing with fireflies in the river.


Complex Blue Cosmic Black



I stand on the rubble of a world of opposites and look up into space. Joy, mourning, and indignation at the pity of desire well up from deep within me, and then surge through my brain.My body plays with the strings, and my voice sings, as the gods will.